Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Exercise 3



  1. In addition to the more traditional simple oven many _____ either by circulating heated air around to the food or by heating the moisture contained in the food with microwaves, and a few do both.

The answer is C (modern ovens function)

  1. _____ many communication companies are now able to offer radio and television broadcasts over the internet.

The answer is D (with the introduction of advanced technology)

  1. From the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, technology _____ people are beginning to imagine there are no limits to what we can achieve.

    The answer is C (has progressed to the point that)

  1. A trap _____ disguise is what has come to be called a Trojan Horse, from the ancient story of the gift of the wooden horse from the Greeks.

    The answer is D (offered as a gift in)

  1. Telecommuting is a new from of work _____ to work, such as fathers with children, the chance to work while remaining at home.

    The answer is A (affording those previously unable)

  1. It is the lack of gravity on the moon that makes _____ leaps of 30 or more.

    The answer is A (possible)

  1. It is believed that the modern bird _____ the pterodactyls that existed millions of years ago.

    The answer is B (evolved from)

  1. Although _____ a successful film, none of her other works have to date been adapted to the film format.

    The answer is D (Amy Tan’s best known novel, The Joy Luck Club, made)

  1. The advent of the personal computer and easy access to information via the internet has allowed many more entrepreneurs _____ than over before.

    The answer is C (opening businesses home-based)

  1. _____ “orca” means whale, the orca is actually a member of the dolphin family, the delphinids.

    The answer is C (While)

  1. Many modern critics of American literature have called Mark Twain, born Samuel Clemens, _____.

    The answer is C (America’s greatest writer)

  1. _____ its area of defense, a fort should be built on an elevation and with some sort of natural feature of the landscape to obstruct direct access to the fort.

    The answer is A (To better protect)

  1. An iron smelting forge _____ ore into usable metals.

    The answer is A (melts)

  1. The one in charge of a meeting _____ toward the end of the meeting.

    The answer is D (generally tables important topics)

  1. Sufficient gravitational force is _____ atmosphere, otherwise the atmosphere will drift off into space.

    The answer is D (necessary to retain a planet’s)


  1. Because of the enormous pull gravitational of the Moon, the shape of the

    A B

    Earth actually changes as the largest oceans are “pulled” toward the Moon.

    C D

    The answer is B (gravitation)

  1. Only with the advent of refrigerator were most Americans able to begin to

    A B C

    consume fresh meat.


    The answer is A (refrigerates)

  1. The smaller of all nine planets in the solar system is Pluto.

    A B C D

    The answer is A (smallest)

  1. The function of a biologist is both to describe organisms in minute detail also

    A B C

    to understand why they behave as they do.


    The answer is C (and)

  1. According to all findings to date, the known universe consists almost entirely

    A B C

    of the hydrogen.


    The answer is D (don’t make word “the”)

  1. Because of their flexibility, reeds and straw are able to endure harsh winds

    A B

    that other more brittle materials like brick and concrete would not be able to




    The answer is D (withstand)

  1. Before hay can be processed and sold, it is typically bundled into boxlike

    A B C

    bales so that it can be more easily transport.


    The answer is D (transported)

  1. Most of the birds living in desert regions inhabits the fringes of the desert.

    A B C D

    The answer is D

  1. Areas of rocks may shifts up or down on each side of a fault.

    A B C D

    The answer is B (shift)

  1. From the 1850s until after the turn of the century, many of America’s super-


    rich families made Newport his favorite summer resort.

    B C D

    The answer is D (their)

  1. Of Jane Austeen’s six great novels, the first four were published anonymous

    A B C

    during her lifetime.


    The answer is B (was)

  1. Clarence Birdseye is best know for developing a process for freezing food in

    A B C

    small packages.


    The answer is A (known)

  1. It was as a direct result of the widespread implementation electricity that the

    A B C

    US had a source of light other than gas lights.


    The answer is C (implementing)

  1. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC is home to the largest


    collecting of Native American artifacts in the United States, most of which

    B C

    uncatalogued and hidden from public view.


    The answer is B (collection)

  1. In the modern era, face to face communication is becoming near as uncommon

    A B C

    as hand-written letters.


    The answer is B (nearer)

  1. The leaves of most coniferous species are slender and length.

    A B C D

    The answer is D (long)

  1. Like an airplane, a helicopter have to control sticks instead of one.

    A B C D

    The answer is C (has)

  1. Much bright young starts lie along the spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy.

    A B C D

    The answer is A (many)

  1. Hippocrates believed that health depended on the balanced of the four fluids

    A B C D

    of the body blood, phlegm, bile and black bile.

    The answer is C (balance)

  1. Because mistletoe berries are poisonous, everyone with Christmas decorations


    containing mistletoe need to be aware of the potential danger.

    B C D

    The answer is C (needs)

  1. The earliest known artworks were done by caveman which used a mixture of

    A B C

    clay, chalk and burned wood and bones.


    The answer is C (who)

  1. The Earth’s crust is composed of fifteen plates which float on the partially

    A B C

    molten layer below they.


    The answer is D (them)

  1. The Cabinet consist of secretaries of departments, who report to the president,

    A B

    give him advice, and helping him make decisions.

    C D

    The answer is C (help)

  1. Operas can be broadly classified as either comedies or they are tragedies.

    A B C D

    The answer is D (don’t make word “or they are”)

  1. During the annually salmon migration from the sea to fresh water, Alaska’s

    A B

    McNeil River becomes a gathering place for brown bears waiting eagerly to

    C D

    catch their fill.

    The answer is A (annual)

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Exercise 2


1. ‘Tell me why you’re interested in learning this subject ?’

‘Economics … to explain the phenomena in Business World.’

       A. try
      B. tries
      C. are trying
      D. have tried
      E. trying

The answer is B. tries (pluralization)

2. ‘What’s on the news today ?’

‘The policeman … caught the criminal.’

A. have

B. has

C. had

D. having

E. is having

The answer is B. has (perfect)

3. ‘after traveling across the country, I think Toronto … the busiest city in Canada.’

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are

E. be

The answer is C. is (to be)

4. ‘You should sleep early tonight because we start our journey tomorrow and five hundred miles … a long distance to drive in one day.’

  1. to be
  2. are being
  3. it is
  4. are
  5. is

The answer is D. are (to be)

5. ‘After the incident at the border yesterday, the army has reinforced … strength this morning.’

  1. its
  2. it’s
  3. theirs
  4. their
  5. our

The answer is D. their (possessive adjective)

6. ‘Children, tell me the functions of these tools !’

‘Scissors … to cut thin materials.’

  1. used
  2. is used
  3. are used
  4. use
  5. uses

The answer is C. are used (to be + verb 2)

7. ‘’According to the recipe, I need seven … to make this chicken pie.’

  1. potato
  2. potatos
  3. potatoes
  4. potatii
  5. potatees

The answer is C. potatoes (pluralization)

8. ‘There are a lot of disasters in Indonesia these days.’

‘Yes. And now, the earthquake and tsunami phenomena always … a lot of


  1. fascinate
  2. fascinates
  3. fascinated
  4. fascinating
  5. is fascinated

The answer is A. fascinate (verb 1)

9. Which of these sentences is correct ?

  1. Car made loud noise
  2. Car made a loud noise
  3. A car made the loud noise
  4. The car made a loud noise
  5. The car made the loud noise

The answer is D. The car made a loud noise (statement)

10. Jim : Can I use that car ?

Mark : No. It’s … car.

  1. my mother – in – law
  2. my mother’s – in –law
  3. my mother – in – law’s
  4. my mothers – in – law
  5. my mother – in – laws

The answer is C. my mother – in – law’s (demonstratives pronoun)

11. ‘The old man’s house is old.’

‘Yes. One of … windows is broken.’

  1. them
  2. their
  3. it’s
  4. its
  5. it

The answer is D. its (possessive adjective)

12. ‘Where we will sleep tonight ?’

‘Ann is going to share her room with …, isn’t she ?’

  1. you and me
  2. you and I
  3. I and you
  4. me and you
  5. we

The answer is A. you and me (personal pronoun – object)

13. ‘What’s said in the memo ?’

‘You and … are expected to be present at the student representative meeting.’

  1. I
  2. me
  3. my
  4. mine
  5. myself

The answer is A. I (personal pronoun – subject)

14. ‘The students must be made to understand how each lesson can be value to …’

‘I absolutely agree with you.’

  1. him
  2. they
  3. them
  4. it
  5. he

The answer is C. them (personal pronoun – object)

15. ‘How does Jarohi play guitar ?’

‘As well as … do.’

  1. I
  2. me
  3. my
  4. mine
  5. myself

The answer is A. I (personal pronoun – subject)

16. ‘Anything happens to you, don’t forget that … mother and father love you.’

  1. you
  2. your
  3. yours
  4. yourself
  5. your’s

The answer is B. your (possessive adjective)

17. ‘Vito and I have a lot in common”

‘Yes, your ideas, … somewhat unusual to me.’

  1. like he, are
  2. like him, is
  3. like his, is
  4. like himself, are
  5. like his, are

The answer is B. like him, is (personal pronoun – object and tobe)

18. ‘’Is this your book ?’

‘This doesn’t look like … book, it must be … ‘

  1. my / yours
  2. mine / your
  3. your / mine
  4. yours / my
  5. mine / yours

The answer is A. my / yours (possessive adjective and possessive pronoun)

19. ‘What’s the decision ?’

‘I don’t know yet. The committee are still arguing among … ‘

  1. they
  2. them
  3. their
  4. theirs
  5. themselves

The answer is E. themselves (reflexive)

20. Mother : What are you doing ?

Children : Chatting

Mother : What ! You waste your time. You get … from that.

  1. something
  2. anything
  3. none
  4. nothing
  5. no one

The answer is D. nothing (indefinite pronoun – negatif)

21. ‘Does … know where my glasses ?’

‘ You’re wearing them. Why you’re always so forgetful ?’

  1. somebody
  2. someone
  3. everybody
  4. everyone
  5. anybody

The answer is E. anybody (indefinite pronoun – interogatif)

22. ‘… of the bread has been taken from its box.’

‘No one likes it.’

  1. some
  2. something
  3. nothing
  4. any
  5. none

The answer is A. some (indefinite pronoun – positif)

23. ‘Who wants to go with me to the orchestra ?’

‘… of us want to go to the orchestra.’

  1. every
  2. each
  3. one
  4. all
  5. on

The answer is D. all (pluralization)

24. A : Look at the picture on the wall !

B : … is a beautiful picture.

  1. one
  2. any
  3. these
  4. that
  5. those

The answer is D. that (demonstrative pronoun)

25. ‘Who is the main talking to you last night ?’

‘The man … I talked to last night was my brother.’

A. whom

B. which

C. when

D. to when

E. where

The answer is A. whom (relative pronoun)


1. “… his own assignments, Sony offered to help friends.”

A. when finished

B. he finishes

C. having finished

D. finished

E. after finished

The answer is C. having finished (perfect)

2. “… the money, Tarwan left for his home town.”

  1. having received
  2. had received
  3. after he receives
  4. being received
  5. he had received

The answer is A. having received (perfect)

3. “We always avoid … to the mall on Sunday because it’s too crowded.”

  1. go
  2. to go
  3. be gone
  4. going
  5. to going

The answer is D. going (gerund)

4. “What was he interested in ?”

“… paleontology.”

  1. learn
  2. learning
  3. to learn
  4. learned
  5. learns

The answer is B. learning (gerund)

5. “These floors always look dirty in spite of … everyday.”

  1. sweeping
  2. being sweeping
  3. swept
  4. being swept
  5. to sweep

The answer is D. being swept (passive present continous)

6. Bob : “I’m going out tonight.”

John : “Would you mind … the key to the house ?”

  1. to leave
  2. leave
  3. to leaving
  4. leaves
  5. leaving

The answer is E. leaving (gerund)

7. “Doel Fajri completely denied … the money.”

  1. steals
  2. stealing
  3. to steal
  4. stole
  5. stolen

The answer is B. stealing (gerund)

8. “What’s your hobby ?”

“… stamps.”

  1. collect
  2. to collect
  3. collecting
  4. collected
  5. collects

The answer is C. collecting (gerund)

9. “Can Rosa accept her parent’s divorce ?”

“No. She isn’t mature enough ...”.

  1. understand
  2. to understand
  3. understanding
  4. to understanding
  5. understands

The answer is B. to understand (to + infinitive)

10. “I wonder where Dadang is.”

“Don’t you know the committee forced him …?”

  1. resigning
  2. resign
  3. to resign
  4. resigned
  5. to resigning

The answer is C. to resign (to + infinitive)

11. “The poor woman can’t afford … a dress.”

  1. buy
  2. buys
  3. buying
  4. to buy
  5. bought

The answer is A. buy (verb 1)

12. “I smell something … in the kitchen.”

  1. burnt
  2. burns
  3. has burnt
  4. burning
  5. to burn

The answer is D. burning (gerund)

13. “I had to ask the soldier …”

  1. stop firing
  2. to stop firing
  3. to stop to fire
  4. stopping to fire
  5. stop to fire

The answer is B. to stop firing (to + infinitive)

14. “What did the tacher tell us ?”

“He told us … noisy.”

  1. don’t be
  2. not being
  3. didn’t be
  4. not to be
  5. don’t being

The answer is D. not to be (indirect)

15. “Do you object to … on the table.”

“Yes. You sit on the cake.”

  1. I sit
  2. my sitting
  3. me sit
  4. I sitting
  5. my sit

The answer is B. my sitting (gerund)

16. Rudy : “What are you looking forward ?”

Toni : “… my old friends.”

A. to seeing

B. see

C. seeing

D. to see

E. seen

The answer is to seeing (to + gerund)

17. “When you go camping, don’t forget to bring … bags.”

A. sleep

B. sleeping

C. to sleep

D. slept

E. sleepy

The answer is B. sleeping (gerund)

18. “The siling boy clapped his hands.”

It means :

A. They boy is smiling and clapping his hands.

B. The boy clapped his hands and smiled.

C. Clapping his hands, the boy is smiling.

D. The boy with a smile on his face clapped his hands.

E. The clapping boy is smiling.

The answer is D. The boy with a smile on his face clapped his hands. (passive)

19. “I am bored the show is very …”

A. bore

B. to bore

C. bored

D. to be bored

E. boring

The answer is E. boring (gerund)

20. “We thought of … across France. We’re rather tired of … by train.”

A. driving / go

B. to drive / to go

C. to drive / going

D. driving / going

E. driving / to go

The answer is D. driving / going (gerund)

21. “When at last I succeeded in … him that I wanted home quickly, he put his foot on the accelerator and felt the car … forward.”

A. convincing / to get / to leap

B. to convince / to get / leaping

C. to convince / getting / to leap

D. convincing / getting / leaping

E. convincing / to get / leaping

The answer is D. convincing / getting / leaping (gerund)

22. X : “Bob smoked when he was in College. Does he now ?’

Y : “Yes”

A. Bob smoked but now he quits smoking.

B. Bob used to smoking.

C. Bob used to smoke.

D. Bob’ used to smoking.

E. Bob doesn’t smoke anymore.

The answer is B. Bob used to smoking. (gerund)

23. “I always … the sun … every morning.”

A. watch / to be rising

B. watch / to rise

C. watching / rises

D. watch / rising

E. watching / rising

The answer is C. watching / rises (gerund and pluralization)

24. “I don’t know where … in this holiday.”

A. go

B. to go

C. going

D. went

E. gone

The answer is B. to go (to + infinitive)

25. “The car is always hard to start.”

“I think it needs …”

A. repair

B. to repair

C. repaired

D. repairing

E. to be repaired

The answer is E. to be repaired (passive infinitive)

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Exercise 1

1. George is cooking dinner tonight.
   (Subject) (Verb Phrase) (Complement) (Modifier of Place)
2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president.
  (Subject) (Verb Phrase) (Complement)
3. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
   (Subject) (Modal) (Verb) (Complement) (Modifier of Place) (Modifier of Time)
4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
   (Subject) (Verb Phrase) (Complement) (Modifier of Time)
5. Trees grow.
   (Subject) (Verb)
6. It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
   (Subject) (Verb Phrase) (Modifier of Time)
7. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
   (Subject) (Verb) (Complement) (Modifier of Place) (Modifier of Time)
8. Harry is washing dishes right now.
   (Subject) (Verb Phrase) (Complement) (Modifier of Time)
9. She opened her book.
   (Subject) (Verb) (Complement)
10. Paul, William, and Mary were watching television a few minutes ago.
   (Subject) (Verb Phrase) (Complement) (Modifier of Time)

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Tulisan Etika Bisnis


Dalam ranah ilmu filsafat, kajian etika berusaha menjawab secara kritis terhadap pertanyaan: mengapa sebuah perbuatan ini dinilai baik atau buruk? Namun dalam dunia bisnis secara praktis, kita harus mengoperasionalkan etika bisnis sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari. Berikut ini adalah 10 Prinsip di dalam menerapkan Etika Bisnis yang positif:

1. Etika Bisnis itu dibangun berdasarkan etika pribadi: Tidak ada perbedaan yang tegas antara etika bisnis dengan etika pribadi. Kita dapat merumuskan etika bisnis berdasarkan moralitas dan nilai-nilai yang kita yakini sebagai kebenaran.

2. Etika Bisnis itu berdasarkan pada fairness. Apakah kedua pihak yang melakukan negosiasi telah bertindak dengan jujur? Apakah setiap konsumen diperlakukan dengan adil? Apakah setiap karyawan diberi kesempatan yang sama? Jika ya, maka etika bisnis telah diterapkan.

3. Etika Bisnis itu membutuhkan integritas. Integritas merujuk pada keutuhan pribadi, kepercayaan dan konsistensi. Bisnis yang etis memperlakukan orang dengan hormat, jujur dan berintegritas. Mereka menepati janji dan melaksanakan komitmen.

4. Etika Bisnis itu membutuhkan kejujuran. Bukan jamannya lagi bagi perusahaan untuk mengelabuhi pihak lain dan menyembunyika cacat produk. Jaman sekarang adalah era kejujuran. Pengusaha harus jujur mengakui keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh produknya.

5. Etika Bisnis itu harus dapat dipercayai. Jika perusahaan Anda terbilang baru, sedang tergoncang atau mengalami kerugian, maka secara etis Anda harus mengatakan dengan terbuka kepada klien atau stake-holder Anda.

6. Etika Bisnis itu membutuhkan perencanaan bisnis. Sebuah perusahaan yang beretika dibangun di atas realitas sekarang, visi atas masa depan dan perannya di dalam lingkungan. Etika bisnis tidak hidup di dalam ruang hampa. Semakin jelas rencana sebuah perusahaan tentang pertumbuhan, stabilitas, keuntungan dan pelayanan, maka semakin kuat komitmen perusahaan tersebut terhadap praktik bisnis.

7. Etika Bisnis itu diterapkan secara internal dan eksternal. Bisnis yang beretika memperlakukan setiap konsumen dan karyawannya dengan bermartabat dan adil. Etika juga diterapkan di dalam ruang rapat direksi, ruang negosiasi, di dalam menepati janji, dalam memenuhi kewajiban terhadap karyawan, buruh, pemasok, pemodal dll. Singkatnya, ruang lingkup etika bisnis itu universal.

8. Etika Bisnis itu membutuhkan keuntungan. Bisnis yang beretika adalah bisnis yang dikelola dengan baik, memiliki sistem kendali internal dan bertumbuh. Etika adalah berkenaan dengan bagaimana kita hidup pada saat ini dan mempersiapkan diri untuk masa depan. Bisnis yang tidak punya rencana untuk menghasilkan keuntungan bukanlah perusahaan yang beretika.

9. Etika Bisnis itu berdasarkan nilai. Perusahaan yang beretika harus merumuskan standar nilai secara tertulis. Rumusan ini bersifat spesifik, tetapi berlaku secara umum. Etika menyangkut norma, nilai dan harapan yang ideal. Meski begitu, perumusannya harus jelas dan dapat dilaksanakan dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari.

10. Etika Bisnis itu dimulai dari pimpinan. Ada pepatah, “Pembusukan ikan dimulai dari kepalanya.” Kepemimpinan sangat berpengaruh terhadap corak lembaga. Perilaku seorang pemimpin yang beretika akan menjadi teladan bagi anak buahnya.

Di dalam persaingan dunia usaha yang sangat ketat ini, etika bisnis merupakan sebuah harga yang tidak dapat ditawar lagi. Seorang konsumen yang tidak puas, rata-rata akan mengeluh kepada 16 orang di sekitarnya. Dalam zaman informasi seperti ini, baik-buruknya sebuah dunia usaha dapat tersebar dengan cepat dan massif. Memperlakukan karyawan, konsumen, pemasok, pemodal dan masyarakat umum secara etis, adil dan jujur adalah satu-satunya cara supaya kita dapat bertahan di dalam dunia bisnis sekarang.

Sumber : http://purnawan.web.id/2010/03/etika-bisnis-untuk-keberlangsungan-usaha/
